IAP: Pavillion

Over IAP (January Term) I took a fabrication class with everyone else in my studio as part of our core curriculum. The course was an in-depth introduction to the fabrication equipment (water jet cutter, CNC routers, 3D printers, etc) we have been using over the past semester. Though we had already used the tools involved, our instruction on them had been brief and cursory and the focus had been on design more than fabrication. Over IAP we focused on the machines more than the design, allowing us to begin to have fine control over everything the machines produced.

During the second half of the month we designed a pavilion, in teams of four, making use of the fabrication tools available to us. Below is the booklet we produced as a catalog of our work. The work is still in progress though, since we were chosen, along with one other group, to continue to develop our design over this semester. We will be refining the methods, redesigning the shape of the pavilion, and constructing the final design at the end of the semester.


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